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Mallow Space Inc Logo

A Visionary Home Decorator

We are making the great goods which are based on the notion of a great designer Mr. William Morris.

A beautiful design with an invaluable mind,especially we use the high-end unique technology material based on

both human and industry’s needs professionally.

Also Innovation, artistic beauty, functionalism and creative designs for environment

and people: there are the ideologies that we pursue.


Trust your choice!

The materials for the everyday goods are very important!

Materials we use are also connected to our artistic design concept and functionalized design principle.

The world approved materials for our brand “Morris Van Ampel” has the value by obtaining

the international certificates from Europe and the United States.

Also other products made by Mallow Space Inc. has differentiated value as Beauty, Function and Safety.

Therefore, Mallow Space Inc. can promise the ‘Green, Clean, Safe & Stylish Life” for everywhere.

Now, select smart design with the safer and the environmentally friendly materials.


  “Mallow Space Inc. promises the green, clean, safe & stylish life.”

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